Hillclimber Veterans Membership Form

If you are a Hillclimber Veteran from any time in the last fifty-four years you are invited to join our group. NO DUES. We are interested in Hillclimber historical stories, pictures and artifacts. The information provided on this application WILL NOT be made public. A master roster is maintained for use by members looking for friends and comrades. The information on the site only shows your name, Hillclimber job, and the years you were in the unit. Contact the webmaster about specific people that you may know for further information. Please take a few minutes to complete this form. The MESSAGE box is for Hillclimber job position, years you were there, and any additional facts that you wish to add.


First - Last

Street - City - State - Zip

10 Digit Number

Unit MOS - Years in the Hillclimbers - Anything you want to add